A complete introduction to Dmt-ER®, the radically relational Dance Movement Therapy methodology developed in Italy since the early 1990s, inspired by the Marian Chace's relational conception of the discipline. Dmt-ER® promotes social interconnection, taking advantage of the organizational function of rhythm and of the fundamentals of movement. It facilitates participation and psychomotor integration. It is used in several fields: psychiatry, but also with children and adolescents, in the team building, in artists’ training.
Addressed to psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, educators and artists, professionals and students in Dance Movement Therapy.
Vincenzo Bellia (Catania, Italy) is psychiatrist, psychotherapist, certified DMT, CLMA (Certified Laban Movement Analyst, Eurolab, Berlin), Director of the Dmt-ER® Training School, teacher of Group Analysis at COIRAG, IAGP member, APID® founding, trainer and supervisor member.
Barbara Dragoni (Rome, Italy) is Clinical Psychologist, dance teacher, certified DMT, CLMA (Certified Laban Movement Analyst, Eurolab, Berlin), Educational Coordinator of the Dmt-ER® Training School, IAGP member, APID® trainer member.
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