
The Dmt-ER® Community

Class CairoVincenzo Bellia (Catania) has created the Dmt-ER® method. Director of the Dmt-ER® Training School, Certified Dance Movement Therapist (FAC), Certified Laban Movement Analyst (CLMA), founder, supervisor and trainer member of APID® (Italian Professional Dmt Association) and ARTE (Arti Therapies Professional Association), EUROLAB member. Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, teacher of Gruppoanalisi at COIRAG School, former lecturer in Paris V René Descartes and Aosta Universities, at now cooperates with Turin University and training centers in Egypt, France and Switzerland. Author of several books and papers on Dmt and Community Psychiatry.

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BarbaraDragoniBarbara Dragoni (Rome) is the educational coordinator of the Dmt-ER® Training School. Certified Dance Movement Therapist (FAC), Certified Laban Movement Analyst (CLMA), trainer member of APID® (Italian Professional Dmt Association) and ARTE (Art Therapies Professional Association), EUROLAB member, dance teacher. She works as Dmt at the Rome 6 Department of Mental Health and cooperates with Turin University (degree course in Nursing). At the DMTateliER in Rome she works with adults and children. Author of several papers on Dmt applications, co-editor of the book Una danza per le comunità (2022)

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DanzareOrigini IAGP logoDancing the Origins: the Association for Social Promotion that joins the professionals trained and operating by Dmt-ER®, takes its name from the title of the V. Bellia's book published first in 1995. About 100 DMTs members of the association, at now, are present not only in Italy, but also in Egypt, India, Lithuania, Madagascar, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Jordan, Lebanon, Portugal.
Danzare le Origini is also the Cooperative managing the administration of the Dmt-ER® School.

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